>>> parse_key为正文抽取模块。
#coding:utf-8 import scrapy,re,urllib,os,time,sys,random,csv,json,random from baidusearch.items import BaidusearchItem from scrapy import Request import MySQLdb as mdb import StringIO,pycurl reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') blockSize = 3 #设置分块 DBUG = 0 def search(req,html,n): text = re.search(req,html) if text: data = text.group(n) else: data = 'no' return data def font_number(newcontent): text = re.sub("[\s+\.\!\/_,$%^*(+\"\']+|[+——!,::。?、~@#¥%……&*()“”《》]+".decode("utf8"), "".decode("utf8"),newcontent) #去除中英文标点符号 text2 = re.sub('<[^>]*?>','',text) #去除所有标签 words_number = len(text2) return words_number def date(timeStamp): timeArray = time.localtime(timeStamp) otherStyleTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", timeArray) return otherStyleTime current_date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time.localtime(time.time())) def img_src(): n = random.randint(1, 312) img = "/static/bq_imgs/%s.jpg" % n return img class BDXspider(scrapy.Spider): name = "bdx" start_urls = [] for word in open("/Users/sunjian/Desktop/cabian2"): url = "https://news.baidu.com/ns?word=%s&tn=newstitle&from=news&cl=2&rn=20&ct=0" % word start_urls.append(url) def parse(self,response): html = response.body page_div = search(r'<p id="page">([\s\S]*?)</div>',html,1) for page in re.findall(r'href="(.*?)"',page_div): if 'rsv_page=1' in page: page_url = "https://news.baidu.com%s" % page yield Request(url=page_url,callback=self.parse) for i in re.findall(r'<h3 class="c-title">([\s\S]*?)</h3>',html): key_url = search(r'href="(.*?)"',i,1) host = search('^([^/]*?)/', re.sub(r'(https|http)://', '', key_url),1) headers = { "Accept":"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8", "Accept-Encoding":"gzip, deflate, sdch", "Accept-Language":"zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,en;q=0.6", "Cache-Control":"no-cache", "Connection":"keep-alive", "Host":host, "Pragma":"no-cache", "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests":"1", "User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36", } yield Request(url=key_url,headers=headers,callback=self.parse_key) def parse_key(self,response): charset = search('charset=(.*)',response.headers["Content-Type"],1).lower() if charset == "utf-8" : body = response.body else: try: body = response.body.decode("gbk").encode("utf-8") except: body = response.body body = search(r'<body.*?>([\s\S]*?)<\/body>',body,1) body = re.sub(r'<script.*?>[\s\S]*?<\/script>', "", body) body = re.sub(r'<style.*?>([\s\S]*?)</style>',"", body) body = re.sub(r'{[\s\S]*}',"", body) body = re.sub(r'<!--.*?-->', "", body) body = re.sub(r'<p[^>]*?>','<p>',body) body = re.sub(r'[\t\r\f\v]','',body) try: ctexts = body.split("\n") textLens = [len(text) for text in ctexts] cblocks = [0]*(len(ctexts) - blockSize - 1) lines = len(ctexts) for i in range(blockSize): cblocks = list(map(lambda x,y: x+y, textLens[i : lines-1-blockSize+i], cblocks)) maxTextLen = max(cblocks) if DBUG: print(maxTextLen) start = end = cblocks.index(maxTextLen) while start > 0 and cblocks[start] > min(textLens): start -= 1 while end < lines - blockSize and cblocks[end] > min(textLens): end += 1 content = "".join(ctexts[start:end]) a = re.sub(r'<(?!p|/p|br)[^<>]*?>','',content).strip() b = re.sub(r'<p[^>]*?>','<p>',a) img = '<img src="%s"/><br/>' % img_src() b = img + b title = re.sub('(-|_).*','',search(r'<title>([\s\S]*?)</title>',response.body,1).strip()) if font_number(title) >= 5 and font_number(b) >=50: item = BaidusearchItem() item['title'] = title item['content'] = b item['url'] = response.url item['date'] = current_date item['cid'] = 25 yield item except: pass
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